Saturday, 14 September 2013

What I do NOT like about camping!

I now realise that there were certain things that I did NOT enjoy about camping - before I got my Earthcruiser!

In particular I did not enjoy the effort required to set up the camper trailer after arriving at the site. In fact I realise that I could not have done it by myself. There was a certain level of strength required to pull up that tent. And then there were other tasks that required two people. Packing up was NOT a breeze. 

In fact  now we don't unpack so much stuff at all - because it is mostly already set up inside the EC. We only need a couple of chairs and a small table, and a billy on the fire. So easy to put away!
And with the Earth Cruiser I can do it all alone! Push a couple of buttons -it's all done! 

And I really didn't enjoy how dirty we got.... No baths for a few days? But with the EC we can have a bath every day! And with 360 litres of water - we still don't need to fill up our tanks for a few weeks! The shower leaves me speechless! A shower for inside on cold or windy days, and a shower for outside on sunny days when we are in wilderness! What more could I ask for! 

Cooking outside with the sun and flies! Nuh! Now I can retreat inside with no problems!

The toilet! OMG! No more spades. No more burning toilet paper! No more porta potties stinking out the back of the car! What luxury to awake in the morning without having an uncomfortable trek! 

And travelling with the EC compared to pulling a trailer.... well arriving is so much easier. Positioning the EC is easier than backing a trailer into position, keeping in mind levelling. 

We can charge our electronic gadgets, charge our batteries from the solar panels, have water at our outside taps, carry two spare tyres, have 300 litres of fuel, carry and sleep 7 people! 
Can you imagine all of this fitted into a shipping container for overseas travel? Yes we can!

Well the upshot is that I still enjoy camping (or is it glamping) at the age of 60 yrs. No! I love it! and we can do this in Australia and overseas as well! 
Go Earthcruiser!
The last camping spot of our journey from Sydney to Brisbane was Stanthorpe -on our own property. This is where Joe had the heart attack that changed everything. It was after this event that we decided that's there is no time to lose. Now is when we must enjoy life to the full, since who knows what tomorrow will bring. 

As we sat here at this very campfire 2 years ago, Joe had a 98% chance of sudden death in the next year. It would have all been over by now except for modern medicine.

This is the set up we had, shown here at Stanthorpe before Joe's heart attack. When he was being medevacced to Brisbane, I was unable to pack up the camper by myself and had to leave it behind in Stanthorpe while I drove to Brisbane to be with Joe. It was three months before we could get back to pick it up. 

We have spent a substantial amount of money on the Earthcruiser, but it is worth every cent, in my opinion. Now we can travel and camp (glamp?) to our hearts content, including overseas. I'm sure that as we age we will be able to keep up our camping in the Earthcruiser much longer than we could have with the camper trailer. 

We are home now, with the Earthcruiser in the driveway at last. But we are only staying for a week. Then we are off to Eungella and the Cape in the third stage of our shake down trips. 

Stage 2:

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