Sunday, 27 October 2013

Tribute to Stuart

 This is a love story in the best sense of that word.

Nira is a woman of Indian descent. She was born in India and came to Australia as a young girl. She later returned to India and stayed there in an arranged marriage for a couple of years but that is incidental to this story. 

In Australia she received the rubella vaccine at age 13 years. This was possibly the cause of her problems- both the vaccine and the rubella virus are thought to occasionally (rarely) cause rheumatoid arthritis. Nira developed juvenile rheumatoid. Her joints have been severely affected. 

She has very limited use of her hands, has had joint replacements in both knees and both hips but has very limited movement in these joints. Her right elbow is frozen and she has very limited movement in both shoulders and both ankles. She has difficulty turning her head. She requires assistance for personal care and for many activities of daily living. Despite all of these limitations she is an exceptionally cheerful and intelligent woman! 

Stuart is a diesel engineer by trade, a very practical guy, who enjoys tinkering with his car, fishing and hunting wild game for food. Heis very generous with his time and mechanical skills helping out people he meets. He has practiced Chinese medicine for 20 years. 

Nira and Stuart met in Nov 1997. Stuart offered to help Nira across the road and (according to Nira) was instantly smitten. Well I haven't asked Stuart for his version but after not too long they were a couple and Stuart promised Nira he would "show her Australia".  

Nira was already severely disabled, but Stuart set about learning how to care for her and make travel possible. Initially they tried camping with a tent but that proved impractical for Nira. Then they bought an "Ultimate" camper trailer. Stuart has modified the trailer for Nira, with special handles on the drawers and has built a ramp for access. He has given up his Chinese medicine practice to be Nira's full-time carer, only able to practice occasionally while on the road. And he seems to be devoted to giving her the best care he can. They have now been travelling full time for 4 years! 

Nira has found that exercise in the water is good for her mobility, and so they have toured artesian pool sites in NSW and Qld. Earlier this year she feared she would soon be in a nursing home but she intensified her water exercise and feels this has helped her keep her limited mobility. 

Nira is aware that without Stuart she would require that nursing home. Instead of that she is enjoying travel and the outdoor life of a grey nomad. To meet them travelling is to enjoy Stuart's warmth and Nira's hearty laugh and enjoyment of life.

The gift that Stuart has given to Nira is priceless. He is an inspiration. And that is true love! 

Happy anniversary Stuart! and Nira! 

1 comment:

  1. I’ve just come to your fascinating blog through an interest in not just Earthcruisers but travel in general, especially your style! Just loved this story. Thx v much. Absolutely inspirational.
