Next day we tried our first onsen with Stuart and Nira. This was Marukoma Hot Spring Hotel. Access to the onsen was a problem for Nira, so we opted for a private onsen. This worked out quite well, with Stuart able to help Nira into and out of the tubs.
It was a nice introduction to onsens. However we have realised that the segregated onsens may be quite difficult for Nira without Stuart available to help her.
Travelling along the south coast of Hokkaido today.
There are lovely little seaside fishing towns, all with high Tsunami walls. Stuart and Joe climbed up one to view the fleet. It's a beautiful sunny day, with calm seas.
Not so sunny today! It's raining and very windy. We went to Cape Erimo, the SE point of Hokkaido where we had been told we might see Orcas and seals. We were keen for that, but when we arrived it was bitterly cold and very poor visibility because of mist. The wind was gale force, with spume being blown off the waves. There is a visitors information centre which features wind, including having a wind tunnel with indicators showing wind strength. So strong wind is certainly a feature here!
We went to another onsen today. This one was segregated. They had ramps so Nora could get right into the women's section of the onsen. With a little help from me and from another woman in the bath, Nira managed to get in and out of the bath. She could also use the sauna, so it was a good experience for her. For me there was an outside bath with ocean view- just what I enjoy!
Outside parked near us was this truck...
They had a oil refinery inside! They were making diesel from plastic bottle tops! They are touring around the world demonstrating alternative fuels, and plastic recycling. Joe and Stuart particularly enjoyed talking to them.
We found another great campsite in someone's paddock, sheltered from the wind.
There were lots of ferns growing near us and they turned out to be the edible ferns we had been shown by a Japanese lady a few weeks ago. Foraging for wild food is right up our alley, and Stuart Nira are just as keen, so we had miso with fern and another plant called "chuki".
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