8th April, 2017. Having left the cities we headed for the countryside. This is La Mancha home of Don Quixote. It is a land of scattered castles and windmills in fertile green farming lands.

We spent the night and morning at a wetland area called Park Nacional De Las Tablas De Damiel. It is a large weyland area known for its birdlife. The area has a visitors centre which was very interesting, and lots of board walks and bird hides. Unfortunatey we did’t see as many birds as we expectd despite being up at dawn.

The spanish don’t have the same attitude to amphiians to the road as we do! I think they were suggesting we avoid running them over! (For my non-Australian friends, we have large toads in Australia and they are a pest species and are often run over on the roads. We are not too sad about it.).
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