28th March. The countryside is beautiful, and it is clearly a wine growing district.

Vineyards as far as the eye can see (which admittedly is not so far).
We are here to see the museum of ancient man. This is Tautavel, home of Tautavel man. There are a number of caves in this area with ancient human remains, and incredible detail revealed about their lives. What struck me is that humans (defined as bipedal and tool-making) have been living in this area for 1 million years! There were rhinosceruses, elephants, and big cats living here too.
They don’t look too different to us do they? In fact I think I can see some family resemblances…..

They had almost complete jawbones with teeth on display. Now do these look like carnivore teeth? Most of the displays had them with animals, but I understand that this might not be a true representation, and these teeth certainly don’t support their diet being mainly carnivorous in my opinion. What do you think? Grinding or tearing teeth?

and in a restaurant in the town, this display of the descent of man….

29 Th March.
We have crossed the border into Spain!
And we are passing through Figueres, the hometown of Salvador Dali! So of course we have to see the museum devoted to him. While we were looking for a parking place we saw Dali’s influence on the town.

Full of expectations of melting clocks, and eggs we found ournway to the museum - which coudn’t be mistaken for an ordinary building.

But once inside - “weird" is an uderstatement. “Dark" is another appropriate word. Most of the display I found too weird for my taste.

I am not going to inflict the madness onto you. We both left the exhibit feeling depressed and disappointed. There was not single melted clock!
But one exhibut I did enjoy. This was a room- sized exhibit designed to be seen from only one angle.

However, a couple of days later in Andora we did find a clock, so I’ll show it to you here so you are not as disappointed as we were!

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